Saturday 7 December 2019


Sorry. I’m going to be using that word all too frequently over the next week. My blog attracts comment all too often, some of which are longer than the post itself. But it’s getting harder to publish them. I used to be able to just click on the word "publish" but now that results in a request for a password which I invariably get wrong, even though I have installed an app which was supposed to solve all that.
Yesterday I spent hours literally trying to crack this problem . I have got days left now before setting off for foreign parts and I have had to make a decision.
The internet on board various ships is often very hit and miss, especially in the middle of the for the moment please understand if I don’t manage to publish your comments. I will always try but after failing once then I’ll stop. I’m running out of time!
The forthcoming election produced an Interesting debate last night. I don’t want to vote for either of them...but I will go and vote...probably green...they do have a candidate here thank goodness. But I can’t remember an election before when none of the candidates attracted my vote.
Today I have to start the packing properly. Having put some basic stuff into my case a few days ago nothing else has been added...
I am not feeling very dynamic I admit but I have to make a start....soon....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Bob Collis said...

In your constituency Jean,if you vote Green, you will help the Tories and be likely to end up with Johnson and Brexit.
I'm not keen on Corbyn but a vote for Labour is not a vote for Corbyn but a vote for getting rid of the Tories and their odious policies.
Another Tory government will be a disaster for most people in Britain.

UKViewer said...

I am note sure why posting comments should be difficult, but you are using apple products. I use Chrome which blogger is part off, so I find it easy to use and post.

If you have comment moderation on, it needs you to agree to post the comment, perhaps it is your google password that is the issue. If you save that password permanently, you should be able to authorise comments easily.

I hope that you are able to post during the cruise, and at least we will be able to share your stories, day by day, even if we are unable to comment.

Revjeanrolt said...

Well it all seems to be working again at the moment...fingers permanently crossed!