Friday 24 January 2020

World angst!

I am not sleeping well just now. There are far too many uncertainties around for comfort. Silly little things stay in my head for far too long. One way of dealing with my over active head is to listen to the radio during the night if sleep eludes me. There are astonishing programs right through the night on Radio 4. I often forget what I’ve heard during the long period of dozing on and off in the early hours. Some are simply amazing...often foretelling bad times are coming our way...soon. As I only listen half awake they don’t stay with me in any detail. By morning doomsday has retreated into the regular channel four package. So this morning an old lady proclaiming that our end is indeed nigh has startled me out of a lazy doze. China seems to be being blamed for our current plight. A deadly virus has it seems infected China. I’m not making light of this...the voices of doom are seriously worrying...they seem to be searching for a vaccine but if what I’m hearing is real then we are doomed...a virus is on its way...with no antidote to stop it. I hope to have got it all wrong but it has woken me up properly now. Staying quietly at home here in Cornwall was already my plan for the near future...I have no plans to cruise just now. So staying quietly in Cornwall seems much better than the forecast danger! It might just be a nocturnal misapprehension......I certainly hope so. But anything even close to it is worrying...

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

There is treatment of a sort as the Virus is similar to SAARS. But who knows how efficacious it is.