Friday 21 February 2020

Getting better!

I am not sending bulletins but I did sleep last night and my inflamed skin looks a little bit better....well....marginally.
So I think I must try to pull together all the various strands of my life in order to go out later. Well, tomorrow would be better as there is still a risk that I might frighten the horses! Honestly just for once in my life I am not exaggerating this problem. The angry red rash has now subsided to very deep wrinkles. They look inflamed but the itch is a good deal easier to deal with. Non of the usual things for killing itches work, especially calamine lotion. Applying that just made it go into overdrive! I don’t know what has caused this annoyance but I will try to get myself out of the house tomorrow so that I can go to the village panto! It is written locally with lots of up to date references to well known people and events and I really don’t want to miss it..but do I really want to scare everybody by my appearance ? I imagine a chair would found for me somewhere a long way away from anyone else! But I do want to get there...if I can....and maybe by tomorrow I might look half way human again! I could join the trendy look of wearing a mask...except they would obviously think I was infectious! We shall see!

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