Sunday 23 February 2020

Getting up!

I didn’t sleep much last night, finally falling asleep about eight o clock. Having woken to the voices praising their teachers on the radio I realise that I’ve only had about an hour. A quick trip to the bathroom reveals my deep wrinkles set in place so I’ve come back to bed. I seem to be stuck with this appearance so I’d better get on with it. But not yet. I need to thank those of you who have sent messages to shake me out of this gloom. I’m not sure this mood is entirely wrong...but then neither am I prepared to get up and fight back. I’ve aged a hundred years in the last week. Both physically and mentally. I have no energy to fight back right now....but I will ....eventually. God willing....except I am not at all sure about that either...The only way to deal with this is to get up and start moving. Black moods are rare for me..almost unheard of. But listening to the news isn’t exactly lifting me up! Sorry to you all and thank you for all the kind words...they are very much appreciated. So I will shake this gloom away. I just have to avoid mirrors and get on with it. Life I mean. Just as well I’m not in church this morning..but I will pray here on my own...eventually when I’ve left my bed and dressed. I’m sharing this gloom for which I apologise. But I can feel it’s reaching the thanks to you all, time to get moving... Now!

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