Monday 30 March 2020

Good bye! Possibly....

I may just have posted my last blog. If so I’ll try to find another way of doing it. Google have finally exhausted me. I have jumped through many hoops not designed for daft old ladies. In doing so I have made mistakes...several apparently. So I will try to post stuff in the future but whether they will publish them remains to be seen. You need to be much younger than me to cope with all this mess. They tell me that it’s because the system has been misused by others that they have to police it properly. But it is fast becoming too much like hard work and I have enough of that already! It is been a very tiring afternoon and we haven’t finished yet! If this gets through you’ll know what happened. Please don’t try to explain everything...that just makes it worse and more complicated. When I started blogging a hundred years ago it was easy. Since then the gremlins have taken it over . And I’m not one of them. There must be other blog engines around...I’ll look, when I get any free time. I will go on posting something,’s a habit that’s hard to break. But for now...goodbye all. It’s been nice to know you.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Bob Collis said...

Don't go Jean your blog is far to precious.
I have had similar problems with passwords and if I wasn't already bald I would soon have pulled my remaining hair out very quickly.
Good luck. You will beat the password problem.

UKViewer said...

I do hope that you are able to overcome your password problems. I have them occasionally as I used different devices to access google. But normally as I save passwords and they sync between devices I do not have the issues that you have.

Please stay on blogger, we need your sanity in a mad world.

bluestar said...

Jean, try Wordpress.