Tuesday 31 March 2020


I had a fairly embarrassing day yesterday. Oh dear. One thing I am sure of....if I die of starvation I’ll still die happy. Last week at some point I decided it was time to order some booze. I have a glass every night with my meal and then before going to bed. It’s always wine. And it doesn’t seem to do me much harm...hic!
So last week I contemplated ordering in some stuff in case we start to run short of things in the years up ahead of us! I sat down one night and did it. Only to cancel it in case I embarrassed myself before I went to bed! At least I thought I had. The food was cancelled. The booze wasn’t . Yesterday it arrived! Cases of it. I had had great fun ordering it...all from Marks and Spencer... Who knew they did wine! The amount that arrived yesterday was embarrassing especially as it was first delivered to my neighbour. He brought it over for me trying hard not to grin! I took it and gulped....if I die hungry I certainly won’t die thirsty...in fact I should have a very big grin on my face. I did think of sending it back....but the delivery van was long gone...so I unpacked it from it’s boxes and was amazed! I had had a busy afternoon! Wine, sherry, Madeira, etc were all there but the thing that startled me was that the stuff was from Marks and Spencer...who knew they sold all this booze? There’s a lot of it. And no I’m not planning a party. It’s all safely put away...but I can’t wait to try the rhubarb gin! Hic!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Great you have the wine to wash down your food, but you've cancelled the food?

Do you feel really, really naughty?

I would, because we are teetotal and only communion wine ever passes our lips and now that seems also to be a thing of the past since first the suspension of the common cup and now suspension of all services.

Its fine seeing the Vicar sipping the wine on the streaming service, but it does seem a bit OTT for my taste, when we are unable to share it, apart from in Spirit.

I hope that the additional beverages don't cause you more password problems?