Monday 30 March 2020

Pass the word!

I am very sorry but this password issue is once again defeating me...what ever I do it insists on a password. None of my attempts suit it...they are rejected so I tried to play the game as laid down by them....the google faceless ones. Nothing has worked so far...but I think a comment just got all this angst in the world why on earth has google joined in to make even more complicated. The chosen passwords are gobbledegook. They don’t mean anything so it’s no wonder I can’t remember them. Oddly writing them down hasn’t helped either...they still get I am trying....getting crosser, I may have to simply start a new blog ....we shall see! Arghhhh!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

Nancy Wallace said...

Life was so much simpler when we didn't need all those numerous passwords! Hope you get it sored soon.