Monday 6 April 2020

Getting thinner!

Ive just had a conversation with my cleaner to tell her not to come. I’m treating this self isolation seriously. I find it’s not as bad as I thought to start with. As well as the house to rattle round there is the long garden, the length of two tennis courts...I’ve already been out and walked the path. I then came back to ring Sainsbury’s....Again. They are only allowing customers who are vulnerable to order food to be delivered. Apparently I’m not one. Being over eighty doesn’t count apparently. Tesco are delivering still. Thank goodness...I have run out of everything now. But the thing I miss most is milk. Fresh milk is a joy when you can get the powdered stuff I am currently getting to the end of fills the gap. Just about. I keep remembering things from when I was a little girl living with my grandma. Dad was in the army and mum was in munitions. But I loved my grandparents and was always glad after a weekend with my mum to get back to them. It’s amazing how often my mind takes me back to the war years . No sweets, everything on ration. I was ten before I had my first ice cream. But we are not st war now...apart from a tiny bug with power to kill or maim us. I remember so much from the time when we were at war.. it’s amazing how much comes back sometimes. This morning I remembered the day when a rat had got into the water supply. It had to be killed obviously but as I heard it’s cries of pain when it was hauled out of the well I felt sorry for it. My job was feeding the chickens and collecting the eggs every morning. Nothing like that these days...we are just short of some essential items daily...but having lived through the war years I can do this now as an old woman..and if I lose a little far in the process so be it....I can do this!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I missed this post yesterday, but now reveals how your comment about running out of milk reached your local man who brought you fresh milk and bread.

We are seeing a lot of goodness in society, which is revealing, when we get bad news, most of the time and the media is dominated by celebrities and their life styles.

But seeing some of them actually reaching out via social media and also donating much to the NHS is refreshing, perhaps they are now re=evaluating what fame brings also responsibility for those in need. Thanks be to God for that.