Wednesday 8 April 2020

I’m fine!

To my surprise I’ve started to lie. Several enquiries yesterday about the state of my health produced some whoppers! "I’m fine " I say with a laugh...and I am mostly. But really I suppose everything is relative. In the larger scheme of things I am fine...but that is obviously not the whole story. A very old friend spoke to me on the phone yesterday. He had not been well and I listened to his tale of woe, determined not to join in. Only much later did I realise that I had said nothing about how I really was or about my skin condition which is very bad at the moment. I am determined not to moan. Life is bad enough just now without my joining in. Around the house it hardly matters if my rash is itchy or disfigures my usual smile. I can live with it just now and I’m certainly not ringing the doctor. So if anyone asks....I’m the greater scheme of things my itch is nothing compared to all the other problems being suffered by other people. So if asked directly I say something like..."Well my rash is bad but that’s nothing new." Otherwise I’m fine...and many thanks to the person who left a large loaf on my doorstep yesterday. It has now been split into four pieces. Three of those pieces have been frozen for later in the month! And very many thanks to very kind person who left it for me! It’s quiet outside in the lead up to the Easter weekend. I suspect it’s going to stay like that. So be it.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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