Monday 1 June 2020

Lockdown ends?

It’s all now a bit confusing...who is allowed to go out and where they can go to is becoming complicated..for me classed as vulnerable I shall just go on doing what I’ve been doing all along...I’ll stay here on my own. It’s the day my cleaner theory but it’s a couple of months since I saw her so I’m not holding my breath! So for me...I shall simply stay put at home and continue to enjoy this glorious weather. I don’t know whether the children next door are going back to school today but then I’m not sure they will know either...the complicated advice we are now being given confuses me but then I’m vulnerable! In theory..I really hope the lockdown isn’t being ended too early....but for me it’s easy...I just do what I always do. I stay at really I’m lucky. I do have my face mask on hand just in case of what is not clear... it’s all very strange...I occasionally have to remind myself what all these new rules are about..we are trying to beat a tiny virus...a highly successful virus but still. It’s odd very odd. Every afternoon I watch the TV for news of what else is going on both here and in the world. Since the Cummings affair I have very little faith in our politicians...they seem to be competing for popularity now...and I hope this period does not result in any further deaths. So I do what I do best on my own. I pray.

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I actually think that they are jumping the gun. Allowing extremely vulnerable people outside and meeting someone from a different household is extremely risky. We will not be visiting our daughter in law (who is extremely vulnerable due to Kidney failure) or our grandchildren.

We will venture out for shopping tomorrow, masked and gloved and than back, safe home.