Sunday 29 November 2020


Its Advent I can start writing my Christmas cards! Every year I start to get my cards done early but somehow I can only start properly once we are actually in Advent. So today I will at very least get them out. After that there is nothing else in the pipeline. I do plan to make some phone calls...if only to test to see if my voice still works! Lacking anything else of interest I am listening to the news from all over the world, particularly from America where Mr Trump is doing his best to insist that he was re elected when the figures seem to contradict that statement. Boris Johnson has his own problems here...but pleading with his MPs to support him doesnt sound very promising. Lets face it, nothing is normal right now and Advent is unliklely to lead us up to a great Christmas. So far the road outside is very quiet so I am assuming the visiters have all gone home now. I cant remember another Advent when Christmas seemed so unlikely. Celebrating? It seems even more unlikely..but I have to start somewhere. In the past I have put a great pile of cards in church...which has saved on postage. That may not work this year...Oh dear! Its a very strange Advent!


Martha's Sister said...

Good afternoon Jean. How’s the card writing going. I did a few yesterday and am also think I shall have to post more than usual..
a strange Advent Sunday and strange times

Revjeanrolt said...

I decided to leave the cards,..maybe tomorrow. I’ll tackle them...

Martha's Sister said...

I abandoned card writing yesterday! Too soon... 😊