Saturday 27 February 2021

Big bird!

OK I know this must be getting boring because nothing much is happening...I got up early and walked around my garden in bright sunshine accompanied by the sound of crowing! The cock was up early too! He seems to have gone next door but I am not sure how he did it....hes a very big bird to fly anywhere I would have thought but he does seem to be getting around alot. This morning he shouted at me all the way round. I considered looking for something for him to eat but in the end realised that if I start feeding him I will be stuck with him for far too long.... Yesterday my gardener filled in several weak places in the hedge...he is not keen on the thought of our visiting bird. I dont really mind him....he is very handsome...but noisy! The sound of his crowing reaches me in the house occasionally. Its all very dull really...but when all else fails I look over to the ships in Falmouth to see the world continuing though its been a long time since I saw a cruise ship over there...So life is dull...sorry..but I suppose its also safe! Since writing that I visited my life nine years ago! Lots of pics show me and David in Australia. Gosh we were lucky! Lovely to have wonderful memories!


Bob Collis said...

Hi Jean.
A silly comment for you which may make you chuckle..
Today, you are "2 Down" in the Guardian quick crossword.
Think of the rooster as alving alarm clock.
Best wishes.

Martha's Sister said...

Good morning Jean
My neighbour keeps chickens. She had a cockerel for what was fortunately a very short time!!
Glorious weather here although it was frosty early on.
Have walked the dog, hung washing out for the first time this year and will now head into the garden! ☀️☀️
Hope you enjoy your day with perhaps some great memories of travels afar.

UKViewer said...

Well if the Cockerel stays around for Christmas.... end of story line.

But he must belong to someone, perhaps he is just a romantic, who believes that the hens are better on the other side of a hedge or fence.

But your memories are helpful as your ipad delivers them. Facebook has a habit of doing something similar, but it is all a bit tacky to my mind.

And If I want reminding, I can scroll through the albums for myself, choosing what we review and talk about. Seeing pictures of myself in uniform from 30 or so years ago as a Regimental Sergeant Major are worrying, I really thin and fit looking, with hair, which has now flown the coop to coin a phrase. But also happy memories when I look at pictures of our wedding, makes us dig out the Album and try to remember the names of long dead relatives, and also the changes in us from 32 years ago on our marriage. Life has passed by, they eventually took my brain out and Commissioned Me, thankfully I didn't have to go to Sandhurst for the Late Entry/Tarts and Vicar's course. Retiring as a Major, wasn't something I could have thought possible when I joined up as a Private in 1967 as a 17 year old.