Sunday 28 February 2021

Waiting !

I am up and running...dressed and not exactly ready...During the night some unlikely scenarios have crossed my mind. Some more than once! The resident cock in the garden joined in very noisily whilst I was getting dressed. The house is warm and I should be fine but some how I am not. Deep down I seem to be waiting for the next problem to turn up. ....nothing feels right just now. I am starting to wonder if its time to move. The problem is...where to? I have started to wonder about the local old peoples home again. I then dismiss it hastily but it keeps coming back. There is no point in denying my age. I am old. I can still get about reasonably well but it is now a matter of time. I tell myself sternly that to keep myself running means walking every day...several times round my very long garden looks a good idea...from the deep recesses of my sofa! Oh dear...I really am having to admit my age! I have a Tesco shop arriving tonight...that being the only time they could manage! Taking in a couple of weeks food on a Sunday night is not a brilliant occupation but it was the only time available two weeks ago when I booked it! It is I think time to use the local shop in the village more often which is fine when we are not full of visitors..but not good in the summer! I am simply messing about now...sorry! Putting off everything is how to get through today! Until the dead line approaches! I shall be glad to get everything can go on for another couple of weeks! If I really want it too!


Martha's Sister said...

Good afternoon Jean. I hope the day has unfolded well and you are feeling less unsettled with life.
Maybe you could have a look around - via the Internet and through local contacts- and discover what accommodation is available in your area.
A retired clergy friend moved from a house which was too large for her to a bungalow which is part of a sheltered housing ‘complex’.
She is now busy being their unofficial ‘chaplain’, which she revels in. She keeps herself to herself when she wants to and also has a community she fits into as required. It’s most definitely not ‘an old people’s home’ although she is now over 80 yrs old 😊

Hope the Tesco delivery arrives as planned! 😊😊

Revjeanrolt said...

Much of what you have written chimes with me. I have had a lovely sun filled day..... no need to rush.. I will know how to move forward when the day arrives...hopefully. Thank you. Tesco isn’t due yet...weird but true!