Thursday 4 March 2021


I have woken up very itchy! I am not aware of having encountered anything last night to create this spotty face I see looking back at me! I suppose there are two ways of getting irritated skin. One is actually touching stuff and the other is eating stuff. I have no idea what might have caused this small eruption. In the past I have usually been able to identify what ever has made me want to scratch. On this occasion it seems more likely to be something Ive eaten rather than have touched but I really have no idea what. Fortunately no one is likely to see me today! All I have to do is stay quietly indoors! My daughter had inherited this tendency to react badly to things encountered during the day. I got mine from my father...who spent alot of time scowling at his lumpy face! So I have had this on and off over the years. But this rash has come up during the night.....So today I must keep an even lower profile than usual! I dont want to frighten the horses!


UKViewer said...

Sorry you have a rash, but probably a food allergy of some sort.

I know when Jen is allergic, she comes out in a red rash, starting on her legs.

Hope it clears soon.

Martha's Sister said...

Hope the irritation has settled down Jean.