Friday 16 April 2021

What a mess!

Gosh...what a morning! So far I have done so many things that saving my sanity needs to be my aim just now. Several builders in the house...on top of the house, around the house...all working hard and trying to get the mess sorted out have driven me indoors...where it feels safe even if it isnt. I am not going to list all todays problems...just that its a very old house and everything has gone weird! Cob is a building material used in place of bricks. Its basically like playing with can make it go into unlikekly places and positions. This house is built of cob.... old cob...and its showing its age! To say I am fed up is an understatement. But I have seen the proof of it all this morning. I am not attempting to say much else on this subject...its just too frightening! What is amazing is that my husband, the builder had not realised that it was all cob. I think it can be fixed but it will take all my savings...and may have then to be sold if they dont cover it. Selling up and moving to an od peoples home is looking an attractive proposition right now. I have had blokes giving me advice most of the morning and have come inside and shut the doors to be on my own. I need to make several decisions...i just dont know if I can afford any of them! I am really not over stating this.... its very very scary!


Martha's Sister said...

Oh Jean, so sad to read this after your previous upbeat blog.
I hope and pray that a solution will be found to your problems

barb m said...

Story time again are funny😂

Revjeanrolt said...

I wish it was a story. But it’s not. It’s all true and your strange desire to communicate in this way shows the sort of person you are I am afraid. And this isn’t the first time. If you don’t like it, don’t bother reading it...unless the need to find fault is the main object.