Monday 21 June 2021


Ok I have been let down by a person I trusted! This is not a disaster in fact but it has made me question both myself and the other person. Perhaps we are all asking too much of each other...Maybe my shock on realising this is both childish and silly. I had better get used to a new way of dealing with our present circumstances...This morning my milk has curdled I am drinking my first coffee black...Oh dear....its just one more thing and complicated by the fact that when my cleaner arrives I cant offer her the usual cup. So on we go! Quite where we are actually going is debatable. I hear that Wimbledon starts today . the past I used to be glued to this but right now it feels like an unwelcome distraction! I was introduced to the joy of watching Wimbledon by my health visitor after I had my first baby. So we are going back a very long way. But the memory of sitting with a baby attached to me always comes back as I watch people playing tennis. I am no longer glued to the TV during this period but occasionally I sit down to watch and realise that I now dont recognise any of the players. I have other concerns I am not sure how much time I can spend..but I do enjoy it most years. We shall see!

1 comment:

Martha's Sister said...

Hello Jean
Hope you have managed to resolve the milk situation. It’s so frustrating when that happens!
No Wimbledon this week. It starts next Monday!!

Hope the day has panned out better than it started 😊