Friday, 17 September 2021


There is a chill in the air this morning...its feeling quite Autumnal! The visitors next door are clearly getting ready to new people may be arriving! I hope the sun returns at some stage for them. My friends have told me they are coming soon...but as yet no firm indication has been given. September is always a busy month! And a beautiful one...the colours in the trees and fields are wonderful. I enjoy walking at this time of the year as things change day by day. My friends will remain here for a while, enjoying the peace before going home. Every year I decide to clean everything but I dont always manage it. I have got out several woolly jumpers already...some of them will need washing! Sorry this is getting very dull...I could invent some exciting news but I wont...I need to stay honest ...once I begin wtiting fiction it could get very I aplogise for being boring...but thats life just now! My gardener told me yesterday that the village is still full of the people who used to go abroad every year but find it safer to visit Cornwall instead now! Apparently they are having jolly nights in the pub ! I could join them! But of course I wont.

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

I actually got here on the day of publication, albeit, a little late.

Autumn is definitely here. Our Park behind the house is starting to turn dappled rather than green and a few leaves are falling from our hedges and Apple tree is obviously preparing for Winter.

Birds in abundance in our garden as well as Squirrels and foxes. There is competition between birds and squirrels for the bird feeders, which can be comical to watch.

We have a half barrel of water which pigeons use as a bath. Perching on one side and sort of using their wings to slide across the surface to the other side. Life is still the same apart from being one tooth less as I had an extraction yesterday. Now waiting for a replacement in a month or so.