Monday, 27 September 2021


Since yesterday so much has either happened or is just about to happen that its hard to think! A good friend is in hospital, I am struggling to deal with events around and about me. Nothing seems to make sense just now but my cleaner is just getting on with the job whilst I try to keep us going with copious cups of tea! Life has become complicated again overnight! Nothing that I think might help does! The sun shines...its beautiful out there but I need to do some praying! I think! Concentrating might be the biggest problem! The world I left quiet last night has turned into a place where nothing seems to belong! I am reluctant to assume anything yet....I dont know how we moved from everything fine to a place where nothing is normal! But we have! Praying for normality seems to be a regular event in my life! One day it might actually happen! Please!

1 comment:

Martha's Sister said...

Oh Jean, I do hope the day is looking less complicated this afternoon.
Take care x