Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Going out!

I am very late posting this morning because I have been out. I decided early that a trip to the village was needed...and I am still amazed by how many people were about! Gosh we are busy! I went for a coffee and sat outside in bright sunshine to drink it and the number of people going past was astonishing! I talked to several people and they told me how lucky I am to live here and I know that to be true but the sheer number of visitors was incredible! It is now Autumn ....time for going home mostly but the golden oldies are here in great numbers this week...and I suppose this morning I was one of them. It felt very good to get home though. Its quiet here compared to the village. I am glad the shops and restaurants are so busy...they need it to get them through the winter...But I admit I found it daunting at times...I had forgotten just how busy it can get! Staying close to home feels right now... so I will resist all temptation to go down there again until its much quieter...I know that if I want to buy something from the well stocked shops someone will bring it up for me....but this morning has cured me of being adventurous!

1 comment:

UKViewer said...

Glad you felt able to go out, but I am surprised that there are still so many people about.

But you are safe back home, which is also good.

Being adventurous seems to suit you.